endota Wellness College is a Registered Training Organisation (provider number: 88123), which means we’ll provide you with nationally-recognised, industry-valued qualifications. For further information contact the National Information Training Service

Our courses offer an immersive collaborative experience that provides you with all the practical experience to help you become confident and job-ready within 12 months.

Easy 3-step enrolment

1. Interview

2. Funding review

3. Confirmation of eligibility

You’ll need to demonstrate the language, learning and numeracy skills that are needed to complete the course. Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements will be advised of the reasons for the outcome, other options that may be available to them and what they can do to meet requirements. A detailed enrolment procedure is available. 

endota Wellness College is not CRICOS registered and cannot accept students holding an Australian International Student Visa. Other types of visas may be acceptable, subject to the conditions of the visa. 

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